Big Time Brewery

While working through exercises for a web development class with the UW, the bartender and owner asked if I wanted to take the rebuild of the Big Time's website as a project. I accepted, and brought the site into compliance with W3C standards and mobile-readiness. In addition, I helped them develop the ability to place keg orders into a web form, and disseminate new tap assignments through a easy to access interface. The goal with this project was to create clean, easy-to-modify code, as I intended to turn it over to the business owners upon completion. They currently maintain the site, while I offer occasional advice and help as needed. The site is largely built on Bootstrap due to its simplicity in maintenance for the site's non-technical audience.

Old Design

WSU Rowing

My first web project (and first tech project) came with my assignment as student webmaster for the WSU Men's Crew Team. This gave me the chance to learn web design and cut my teeth as a website administrator. After gaining a few years experience, I decided to rebuild the site and bring it up to modern standards. I started with HTML5 Boilerplate and used Bootstrap on top of that. I continue to volunteer with WSU as the alumni webmaster, and intend to continue to build and develop this site as I learn new technology and see new ways to improve it.

Old Design